Hello 2018

Okay, it's here, it's official - NEW YEAR has come, however, I still can't believe 2017 is over. It was a good year and I'm ...

Okay, it's here, it's official - NEW YEAR has come, however, I still can't believe 2017 is over. It was a good year and I'm really curious what will this year bring.
And because I'm not that person who loves making New Year's Resolution, in fact, I prefer making Birthday Resolutions (more about it here), I would like to dedicate this post to 2017. You know, just go back in my memory  and highlight all the positive things that happened to me in 2017. Ready?

First of all, I started my personal Instagram account and nowadays I share majority of my photos with the rest of the world and it's fun! And honestly? Thanks to instagram, going back in memories is much easier!

What I am extremly proud of is that I started to read more again. When I was a child, I used to read all the time and I'm so happy that in 2017 I read tons of book, for example:

Wild (Cheryl Strayed)
-read it after I watched Gilmore Girls: A Year in a Life
(I can't belive it's over a year since the the comeback of GG! God, I missed these ladies so much)

Moby Dick (Herman Melville)
-extremely proud I read this one, it took me a while, but I did it!

How Starbuck Saved My Life (Michael Gates Gill)
-amazing book

1984 (George Orwell)

So many books written by Sophie Kinsella
and loved them all
Swimming Pool Sunday
The Wedding Girl
Sleeping Arrangements
Can You Keep a Secret?
Remember Me?
Twenties Girl
-this one reminded me of Alexandra Potter's books 
-filled with magic and ghost and I fell in love with it
I've Got Your Number
Wedding Night
The Undomestic Goddess
-as you can see I really love Sophie Kinsella's books, her books are witty, romantic, dramatic,...
all in one

Big Magic (Elizabeth Gilbert)
-if you want to stay positive, read this one

Crisis In The Cheese Aisle (Robert Fulghum)
-Fulghum is my favourite author

A Good Year (Peter Mayle)
-Provence, wine,...a perfect book for me!

After You (Jojo Moyes)
-very different, expected something similar to Me Before You

Will Grayson, Will Grayson (John Green and David Levithan)
-so funny

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden (Jonas Jonasson)
-The Hundred-Year-Old Man was first and this seemed like a copy to me, same style, same funny stories, I prefer Old Man

I also visited two foreing countries I've never been before: Ireland and Bulgaria. Ireland is a country I definitely have to visit again someday...it's magical, charming and it's without doubt a place you have to visit! Bulgaria was great on one side, but terrible on the other. The cuisine, the sea, the people-amazing! However, the situation near the sea is sad - there are so so so many hotels everywhere! And I mean literally EVERYWHERE which is something that really bothered me. I know that tourism is an industry that brings money to countries, but this was over top!

And yes, I turned 25 in 2017...so I'm practically an adult but I don't feel like it all! I moved into my own appartment, because that's what adults do, right? But I still feel like a child :-)

To sum up,
2017 was really SOMETHING!


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