about blog
About blog
12:39:00 PMHello guys,
welcome to my new blog. I was thinking about writing my blog in English for quite a long time, but I was not sure if I am capable of creating a meaningful and interesting articles in language that is not my mother tongue, but I have decided I give it a try.
About my previous blogs
I created my first blog when I was 13. I wanted to share everything from my life with my readers, but I was using a fake name, so I wouldn't have to be afraid of hurting someone I love and I also shared more things without being worried about my reputation.I kept on writing this blog until I was 16, I guess. After that I created a new one and started from zero again and I am still a proud owner of this second blog, still, I don't want people to know my identity, so I am also using a nickname and I am completely honest with my readers.
However the story continues, 2 years ago I took up a new hobby and wanted to inspire people to do the same - working out and live a happy and healthy and active life and that's the moment when my blog http://bonniefitness.blog.cz was born.
That is all about my previous blogs :-)
About this blog
As I mentioned in the beginning I was thinking about writing in English for a while, however I wasn't 100 % sure that it's something I really want to do... I don't know what exactly changed, but here I am sitting on a sofa and writing this very first article in English and for a completely new blog, my new blog.I hope I will do a good job and have some regular readers who will come back to see what's new.
Let the fun begin :-)
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