This July I worked a lot. I had 3, maybe 4 days off, but the rest I spent at work. I thought my August will be pretty much the same, but I realise I want to have more free time and I want to enjoy summer and go somewhere for summer holidays. And my wish came true. I spent 8 lovely days in Hungary, near Balaton in a small and very charming town Balatonalmádi.
Even though I love taking pictures with my camera, I didn't make much photos, because, let's be honest, I was relaxing, swimming, reading, eating and spending most of the time by simply living my life and it was absolutely amazing!
Czech beer and book written by Elizabeth Gilbert and of course a swimming pool
I have never been to Hungary before, so this whole trip was a new adventure for me. The people, their culture, their language, their cuisine... I was exploring everything!
Drinks you should definitely try: wine, wine and wine-if you don't drink alcohol, they might probably sell some water too. Meals you should taste: Székelygulyás (goulash stew), Lecsó (mixed vegetable-tomatoes and paprika, very tasty, my favourite), Pörkölt (meat stew), cucumber salad. Hungarian cuisine is really tasty and I loves every meal I ate and it is also surprisingly cheap :-)
I saw this one day on my way to the beach and had to take a picture |
I also visited few places: castle Szigliget and two lookout towers near Balatonalmádi. And all of them were lovely!
The Balaton and its surrounding is beautiful! I was really surprised when I found out that you can get to Balaton by train! No kidding, it's literally few steps, which is very cool, right?
What I found very disturbing on the other hand is fact that you can't swim in Balaton...well, you can, but there is not much water and it's simplier to just walk :-)
To sum up, I really enjoyed my holiday and I am glad I visited a new country and explore new places.
And what about you and holidays?
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