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Beauty and the Beast
rainy day
Another rainy Sunday afternoon
5:44:00 PMHi there!
How are you guys? Are you having a pleasant Sunday? I really hope you are!
The weather this week has been absolutely crazy! It was sunny and hot, then suddenly rainy and cold. Yesterday I actually woke up to a snowy town. Lovely. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think I would need my wintery clothes anymore this month, but here I am with my winter jacket blinking at me from a hanger. Voilá.
Beauty and the Beast
But back to the other things. On Friday evening I had an opportunity to watch Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle and I have to admit that it was lovely! I have never in my life (or at least I cannot remember I ever have) seen any version of this tale made by an American production. I have seen one Czech version, but it was a long time ago and I was scared, because the version was really frightening for a child I was. This new version is charming and cute and also funny. I can only thing about one negative thing: the fairytale is long, and by long I mean it has over 2 hours, so it's not very suitable for children, due to the fact they cannot hold their attention for a long time. I have no idea who the actor who played the Beast is, but I know the actor who played Gaston. He was familiar to me the whole time but I struggled to remember where I have seen him before, so I had to do some online searching and now I know where I have seen him: he played Bard the Bowman in The Hobbit and I thought he is Orlando Bloom's brother. Well, he is not. And if I were to name only one thing I loved the best about the film, do you what would I say? The furniture! Especially Lumière that was transformed into candelabra was the funniest and the most beautiful! So, if you haven't seen Beauty and the Best, go and buy yourself a ticket, it's worth it!
And what's new in my life?
My new tattoo is healing perfectly, although it sometimes hurts a little, but it's the part of it, so I'm not complaining, just saying. I also had a rendez-vous with my college friends and we went for a brunch to a new cafe which was very modern and cosy and the waitress was very positive and kind, so it was a luxurious Thursday morning!I also visited my bf'S new place he shares with some other guys and I was surprised how nice the place was. Well, I didnt expect him to live in a garbage of course, but I thought there would men's mess if you understand what I mean, but the opposite was true.
So that's it from me for today, have a nice week and enojy the rest of the weekend!
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