Florence Foster Jenkins

Funny. Touching. Fantastic! I said goodbye to summer with my mom and sis at the cinema where we watched a new film Florence Foster Jenk...

Funny. Touching. Fantastic!

I said goodbye to summer with my mom and sis at the cinema where we watched a new film Florence Foster Jenkins with Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant and Simon Helbergs who played the main characters! 
I like Meryl Streep, her main role in Mamma Mia! was amazing, so does her other films! Hugh Grant will always be that guy who tried to steal Bridget Jones from her true love and Simon Helberg, well, he will always be Howard Wolovitz for me from The Big Bang Theory.
I was soooo curious when I was watching trailers and waiting for the film to start. And I have to say it was amazing! There were moments I was laughing so much I almost cried and there were also touching moments when I totally adored Florence! Hugh Grant plays a loving husband who protects his wife no matter what, his wife Florence is the worst singer ever, but unfortunately she doesn't know...and Cosmé McMoon is her personal pianist.
The whole plot is very simple: Florence cannot sing and her husband loves her so much he doesn't want to tell her, but the problem is that Florence wants to make a concert in Carnagie  Hall and has already booked the place. What is her husband supposed to do?

The film is another must-see of this year! It has everything! You will laugh, maybe cry a little, fall in love with all main characters and leave the cinema with heart filled with love!


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