Christmas Market & Tea Bag #15

Came to bed at 3 in the morning and slept almost till 10, what a great start of the day! In the afternoon I went to the downtown with my mom...

Came to bed at 3 in the morning and slept almost till 10, what a great start of the day! In the afternoon I went to the downtown with my mom and sis to check out local Christmas market. Beside delicous food and lovely Christmas trea in the middle of the townsquare, it was the same as always: crowded town and nervous people, long queue everywhere, expensive mead and mulled wine. I don't feel comfortable in crowded places, but Christmas market is a must-visit! In the evening I attended the last zumba lesson this year and spent the rest of the evening in front of a tv with a cup of hot Hildegard's Breath Easy Tea and watched the last episode of Gilmore Girls:A Year in the Life. Can we stop here for a moment, please? Did you like the ending? Because honestly, I thought this whole series was supossed to give us some closure, but this, really? What is your opinion? I am really curious if anybody enjoyed the last scene...and the positive thing: I loved all four episodes and miss the girls already!
Have a lovely day,


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